Thursday, 3 June 2010

NRC 2010 Zone Selangor & Pahang ( tentative )

The competition date for Selangor is 3-5 August 2010
Venue: Sekolah Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya

The competition date for Pahang is 30 Jun - 1 July 2010
Venue: SMK Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom, Kuantan


  1. For adventure race.....
    if my robot..don't touch one of the Obstacles of 2 X 2 LEGO® plates do i get 15 points.?????????

  2. i'm a teacher from SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (4). i didn't get feedback about the competition. when i can the letter and form for competition? the competition is on August 4, 2010.
