The robot must start from the Start Box and carry Coal, Biofuel and Solar Cell to the respective ‘Power Stations’ by avoiding the URANIUM and return to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) after the completion of the mission. The Robot can start its sub-mission ONLY after the main mission is completed.
Rules and Regulations
1. Each match will last for 120 seconds.
2. The maximum stretched dimensions of the robot before it starts must be within 300mm × 300mm × 300mm. The maximum stretched dimensions of the robot after it starts can exceed 300mm × 300mm × 300mm.
3. This match consists of 2 missions, which are the ‘MAIN MISSION’ and the ‘SUB-MISSION’. The ‘MAIN MISSION’ MUST be completed first before the ‘SUB-MISSION’ can be implemented.
4. MAIN MISSION – The robot MUST carry Coal, Biofuel and Solar Cell to the respective ‘Power Stations’ and avoid the URANIUM, and then return to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) after completion.
5. SUB-MISSION – The robot may reload objects to get bonus points.
6. The robot MUST start from the ‘FACTORY’. Any part of the robot must not exceed the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) limits BEFORE it starts. It must take the object from the ‘SOURCE AREA’ and move the object to a specific ‘POWER PLANT’. It MUST return to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) after completing the MAIN MISSION.
7. The robot is not allowed to take more than 1 type of object at a time.
8. The robot cannot touch or return to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) while carrying the object and a penalty will be given if the robot touches or returns to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box).
9. The main mission is considered COMPLETE if all the objects have been successfully placed inside the respective ‘POWER STATION’ areas.
10. RELOAD: The robot is allowed to start the sub-mission ONLY after its main mission is completed and the contestant ONLY reloads new objects in the ‘SOURCE AREA’ after all the ‘POWER PLANTS’ are loaded.
11. MISPLACE: When the robot places an object in the wrong ‘POWER PLANT’, the judge will return the object to the original location and no points will be given.
12. MISS OBJECT: When the robot misses the object outside the ‘SOURCE AREA’ during its operation, the judge will return the object to the original location and no points will be given for the repeated step.
13 Restart :
(a) At any time during the operation, if the robot is touched by the contestant, no matter where the robot is (except in the Start Box), it is considered STOPPED and the robot must immediately be returned to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box). 10 points will be deducted from the bonus points for every touch.
(b) When reloading new objects in the ‘SOURCE AREA’, if the objects are placed into the wrong ‘SOURCE AREA’ or partially outside the ‘SOURCE AREA’, the robot is considered STOPPED and it must immediately be returned to the Start Box.
(c) Restart MUST be done in the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) and the contestant is ONLY allowed to run the robot if it does not exceed the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) limits.
14. After the mission is completed successfully, the robot is allowed to continue its mission to get bonus points if the time limit is not over. However, the contestant may say ‘STOP’ if he she does not wish to continue.
15.The term ‘incomplete mission’ or GAME OVER is defined as follows:
(a) The robot cannot finish the main mission when the time is up. In this situation, the robot can get mission points for its finished mission but CANNOT get time points.
(b) If the robot carries the ‘URANIUM’ out of the box completely, ‘GAME OVER’ will be announced.
(c) If the robot cannot finish any single mission when the time is up, it will get 0 points.
16.The contestant with the highest point is considered the winner. In the event of a tie, the lightest robot will win the competition.
1. Mission points:
(a) Move objects = 10 points
Each object is worth 10 points once it is moved out of the ‘SOURCE AREA’. The object must be COMPLETELY out of the ‘SOURCE AREA’ for the robot to be awarded point.
(b) Move the object to the specified ‘POWER STATION’ = 20 points
Each object is worth 20 points once it is moved to a specified location. The object must be in the ‘POWER STATION’ for the robot to be awarded points. The contestant may repeat the movement before time is over.
(c) Return to ‘FACTORY’ = 10 points
The robot will be awarded 10 points when it returns successfully to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) ONLY after the MAIN MISSION is completed. 0 points will be given if the robot returns to the ‘FACTORY’ without finishing the MAIN MISSION.
(d) Penalty
i) Any part of the moved object exceeds the border line of the designated area (‘POWER STATION’) – minus 10 points
ii) Any part of the robot touches the URANIUM – minus 10 points.
iii) When the robot touches or returns to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) while carrying the object – minus 10 points
2. Time Points
The robot will get time points ONLY if it can finish the MAIN MISSION, returns to the ‘FACTORY’ (Start Box) and the contestant says ‘STOP’ to the timekeeper. If the contestant does not say ‘STOP’ to the timekeeper or if the timekeeper does not see any signal from the contestant to stop the match, the match is still considered to be running and the contestant might lose points.
Calculation of the team’s time points is as follows:
Time points = (120 seconds – time taken in seconds)
The robot took 60.5 seconds to complete the game.
Time points = 120 seconds - 60.5 seconds = 59.5 points.
3. Bonus points
Within 120 seconds, if the contestant wants to repeat the mission, bonus points will be given. 100 points will be given automatically to the autonomous robot. 10 points will be deducted when each the following conditions occur:
a) At any time during the operation, the robot is touched by the contestant (except in the Start Box).
b) When reloading new objects in the ‘SOURCE AREA’, the objects are placed into the wrong ‘SOURCE AREA’ or partially outside the ‘SOURCE AREA’.
Solar Cell
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