The robot must start from the start box and then move 3 types of waste at 3 different spots one by one, to the designated recycle boxes within 120 seconds.
There are 3 types of waste for the 3 recycle boxes:
(a) Paper for the Blue Recycle Box
(b) Aluminium for the Orange Recycle Box
(c) Glass for the Brown Recycle Box
Rules and Regulations
1. Each match will last 120 seconds.
2. The maximum stretched dimensions of the robot before it starts must be within 300mm × 300mm × 300mm. The maximum stretched dimensions of the robot after it starts can exceed 300mm × 300mm × 300mm.
3. The robot must start from the start box. Any part of the robot is not allowed to exceed the start box before it starts.
4. The 3 missions for the robot are to place 3 different types of waste into 3 different recycle boxes.
5. The location of the 3 types of waste will be announced before quarantine starts.
6. The robot is not allowed to take more than 1 type of waste at a time.
7. The robot is considered to have completed 1 round after it has placed the 3 different types of waste into 3 different recycle boxes.
8. Within 120 seconds, the contestants have to reload 3 types of waste into the 3 correct waste spots after the team has completed all the 3 missions.
9. The team can repeat the 3 missions as many times as possible it has completed each round.
10. The robot does not have to return to the start box after completing each round.
11. Restart :
(a) After the robot starts to move, if the contestant touches the robot, no matter where it is (even in the start box), the robot is considered STOPPED and it must immediately be returned to the Start Box.
(b) When reloading 3 types of waste into the 3 designated waste spots, if the wastes are placed into the wrong waste spots or partially outside the waste spots, the robot is considered STOPPED and it must immediately be returned to the Start Box.
(c) Restart MUST be done in the Start Box and the contestant is ONLY allowed to run the robot if it does not exceed the Start Box limits.
12 The operator needs to stop the timer when the team wants to stop the game.
13.The game is considered over if the robot is unable to finish the game or when time is up and the operator must power down the robot immediately for the judge to calculate the points.
1. The points awarded are “mission points”, “time points” and “bonus points “. The operator has the option of choosing whether to gain more ”mission points“ by completing more rounds or to gain more “time points” by stopping after at least one round.
2. Mission Points are awarded as follows:
The robot places each type of waste inside the correct recycle box = 50 points.
3. Time points are awarded if the following conditions are fulfilled:
(a) At least 1 round is completed and the operator informs the timekeeper to stop the game.
The team finishes the match under 120 seconds.
Time points are calculated as follows:
Time points = (120 seconds – time taken in seconds)
The robot took 60.5 seconds to complete the game.
Time points = 120 seconds - 60.5 seconds = 59.5 points.
4. Bonus points are awarded if the following conditions are fulfilled: At least 1 round is completed.
Bonus points are calculated as follows:
Before the match starts, each team will be given 30 chips worth 10 points each. 1 chip will be taken away each time the game is restarted. At the end of the match, the remaining chips will be counted as bonus points to be added to the total.
5. Penalty points are calculated as follows:
25 points will be deducted if the waste is placed partially outside the recycle box.
6. The total score for the game is the sum of the “mission points” “time points” and “bonus points”.
7. Ranking is based on the higher score of the 2 matches.
8. In the event of a tie (when two or more teams have the same total score), ranking will be based on the robot’s weight. The lightest robot (including the batteries) will be the winner.
9. The term “incomplete game” is defined as follows:
An ‘incomplete game’ happens when the robot is unable to complete the game within 120 seconds. However, the robot can get “mission points” for its completed missions.

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